Direct Mail for Local Businesses: Unique Advantages and Strategies

Don’t leave attracting customers up to chance; be proactive with direct mail!

Don’t leave attracting customers up to chance; be proactive with direct mail!

Employing the ability to reach scores of potential customers in specific regions, direct mail is an excellent vehicle for growing your customer base and publicizing your business creatively and methodically.

Direct Mail for Local Businesses: Unique Advantages and Strategies

Direct mail marketing is the method of sending out print materials to potential customers. Materials mailed could include postcards, flyers, or catalogs.

Scholars have found the earliest versions of direct mailings from ancient Egypt, around 1,000 B.C. Direct mail has come a long way since then, but it still has tremendous benefits for businesses today.

Direct Mail Can Physically Bring in Customers

A unique advantage to direct mail is that you can mail out a coupon or another promotional item to have customers physically visit your store and redeem it.

By bringing customers into your store, sales and business growth can grow exponentially. 

Get Customers Excited and Stand Out

Do you think young adults aren’t excited about direct mail? Think again!

Generation Z, or people born between 1997 – 2012, is 63% more excited about direct mail today than in 2022. Younger generations find direct mail more interesting and unique than digital marketing.

According to the World Advertising Research Center (WARC), this generation is particularly impressed with direct mail because they have grown up in such a digital age. 

By diversifying your marketing campaign to include direct mail, the generation bombarded with digital content will resonate more with your mailings and feel that the physical marketing stands out.

Direct Mail: A Tangible Approach in the Digital Age

Direct mail has strategic benefits for businesses, especially in today’s tech-savvy world.

Reap the rewards and return on investment by choosing direct mail to diversify your marketing campaign. Don’t just communicate with potential customers; encourage them to physically visit your business by mailing promotional materials such as coupons for customers to bring into your business.

Stand out from competitors’ marketing by sending physical mailers versus simply having digital marketing. Younger generations are hungry for printed materials they can touch and hang on to versus oversaturated online platforms.

Contact us today to begin your journey of creating creative and engaging direct mail!

3 Inspiring Ways to Promote Your Offer Using Print + Digital

Reaching your ideal audience while remaining mindful of the bottom line seems like the dream in marketing. By fusing print and digital marketing to promote your offers, customers will benefit from better communication and accessibility to your business.

Reaching your ideal audience while remaining mindful of the bottom line seems like the dream in marketing. By fusing print and digital marketing to promote your offers, customers will benefit from better communication and accessibility to your business.

Working together with online platforms can be instrumental in publicizing your content in a relatable and current way.

Today’s marketplace is increasingly online, which means businesses need to think outside the box when it comes to marketing and promoting their business to potential customers.

3 Creative Ways to Showcase Your Business Utilizing Print and Digital

Branding your company to a broader audience on multiple platforms can be intimidating, but with a few simple and energizing ideas, you will surely gain traction with today’s customers.

1) Use a QR code on your posters and flyers

A QR code is a type of barcode that smartphone cameras can read easily.

Once scanned, the camera will open up the designated website. This ability to get a potential customer directly to your website without typing in the website is both simple and effective.

There are many free QR code generators available. Customers will appreciate the easy access to your website and the ease of saving it onto their phone for reference later. Additionally, QR codes simplify posters and flyers by not having extra words weighing down or busying the overall aesthetic. 

2) Connect your social media to printed materials for deals

Don’t let your social media and printed marketing be islands; make them complement each other.

One application is to include an insert in your product packaging that encourages customers to post their purchase to their social media and tag your business or use a specific hashtag. Once the customer posts with the specific hashtag, you will send them a discount code for a future purchase.

This strategy uses customers as ambassadors online for you while also drawing them into stores to purchase a product. Connect your customers to your online presence to grow your digital content and familiarize customers and future customers with your business.

3) Merge your physical mail and email customers

On your physical mailers, have an option for customers to sign up for your email list.

This will give you flexibility and another platform to showcase your materials. Additionally, having customers subscribe to your emails will increase awareness of your current and upcoming deals and more.

Today’s marketplace is ever-changing and increasingly digital, so ensure your business stands out on digital and print platforms. Digital and print marketing do not need to be mutually exclusive. Contact us today to unite your online and printed materials to meet your company’s unique needs.

Comparing Direct Mail and Email Marketing

Like direct mail marketing, email marketing involves sending out marketing information to targeted demographics. Are you wondering which method suits your advertising needs best? 

Like direct mail marketing, email marketing involves sending out marketing information to targeted demographics. Are you wondering which method suits your advertising needs best? 

Both methods offer a significant return on investment (ROI), but those using direct mail through the U.S. Post Office have deemed direct mail extremely effective. A survey by the Association of National Advertisers revealed that direct mail produced a 112% ROI, while email marketing produced only 93%. 

Let’s take a closer look at the difference between direct mail and email marketing. 

What is direct mail?

Direct mail uses physical, printed materials as the focus of the marketing campaign.

The printed materials are sent directly to potential customers and may include postcards, letters, brochures, and catalogs. 

Local businesses benefit significantly from using direct mail marketing strategies because the mailers are sent through the post office into the mailboxes of all community members living in the demographic area. For example, a roofing company can benefit from sending direct mail materials to homeowners in subdivisions they want to work in. 

What are the benefits of direct mail marketing? 

Direct mail marketing offers business owners various items that can be used to connect with existing customers and be introduced to new consumers in the community.

Using direct mail provides many benefits to business owners using this type of marketing campaign, including the following: 


Direct mail puts a physical object in the consumer’s hand, giving them something they can feel, see, and maybe hang on their refrigerator.


Receiving something in the mail makes it more memorable than seeing a single line in the email.


Mailers are more likely to be read, where many emails are instantly deleted when recipients read the subject line.


Traditional advertising channels are more trusted than digital ones, with the Silent Generation showing the highest trust in direct mail at 83%, followed by Baby Boomers at 80%, Generation X at 77%, and Millenials at 70%.

What is email marketing?

In contrast to direct mail, email marketing doesn’t involve printing and mailing physical promotional materials.

Instead, this marketing strategy uses emails sent directly to consumers and subscribers. 

Email marketing can promote sales, keep you in contact with customers, and announce new products and services. 

What are the benefits of email marketing?


Email marketing has a quick turnaround time, which can help when there is a last-minute deal to share with consumers.


One of the most significant benefits of email marketing is it costs less because there is no need for printing materials or paying for postage. And when you are first getting started, this can be a significant factor in your choice.

However, it’s worth taking into consideration that the ROI from email marketing is less than that for direct mail marketing campaigns.

While both direct mail and email marketing have their merits, the choice should align with your marketing plan. Although email marketing offers convenience, direct mail marketing strategies bring higher ROIs and consumer trust.

Contact us to explore how our direct mail marketing strategies expertise can enhance your advertising efforts and drive results.

Myth or Legend: Understanding the Power of Direct Mail

In a world where everyone is glued to the screens of their smartphones and tablets all day long, it can be easy to underestimate the power of something like direct mail marketing.

In a world where everyone is glued to the screens of their smartphones and tablets all day long, it can be easy to underestimate the power of something like direct mail marketing.

It would also be a mistake!

Direct mail isn’t just as effective as ever; it’s arguably more popular, despite what certain myths would have you believe.

People Pay Attention to Direct Mail

One idea that has cropped up about direct mail over the years is that it is easily ignorable. Thankfully, this is false.

According to one recent study, about 42.2% of the people who receive direct mail regularly say that they read it entirely or at least scan it to get the gist. 

Now, think about that in the context of an email. Emails can wind up in a “spam” folder or be ignored entirely. If you catch someone at the wrong time of day, they may even hit “delete” and never think of it again without even considering what the message may have contained.

People Prefer Direct Mail

Another common misconception about direct mail is that it is somehow “less desirable” than email.

Some are operating under the incorrect assumption that just because digital technology is available, we want to use it 100% of the time. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who would tell you this is the case.

But those supposed “downsides” work to direct mail’s advantage. In 2021, the Direct Marketing Association conducted a study revealing that 73% of consumers prefer direct mail for brand communication. That’s because it’s tangible – they can hold it, feel it, and it’s far easier to engage with than something like a digital ad. 

Shattering the Myths of Direct Mail Marketing

Especially given the fast-paced digital world we’re now living in, two of the biggest myths surrounding direct mail over the years have to do with the idea that it is somehow A) labor-intensive and B) cannot be reliably measured the same way something like an email could be.

Again: both of these things are myths, plain and simple!

With the right partner by your side, direct mail isn’t labor-intensive at all. The same types of automation tools that can send emails can also be used in the print realm. You’re just getting all the added benefits of print that you don’t get from its digital counterpart, like that it is unique, tangible, and much harder to ignore than something that can be permanently deleted in seconds.

Direct mail can also be tested and measured to prove how effectively your tactics work. You can still find metrics like your response rate and platforms that integrate print and digital campaigns, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds regarding insight. All of this is highly actionable information that you can use to improve the performance of your campaigns further moving forward. 

If you’re interested in discovering more about how direct mail marketing is more powerful and effective than ever, or if you want to improve your printing and marketing efforts but aren’t sure where to begin, please don’t delay – contact us today.

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): What It Is and How to Use It

In today’s digital world, most of the messages we receive as consumers come from online platforms. However, leveraging traditional methods of communication is still effective for reaching customers. According to Newswires, direct mail boasts an average response rate between 2.7% and 4.4%, while email only has a 0.6% response rate.

In today’s digital world, most of the messages we receive as consumers come from online platforms. However, leveraging traditional methods of communication is still effective for reaching customers. According to Newswires, direct mail boasts an average response rate between 2.7% and 4.4%, while email only has a 0.6% response rate.

Direct mail remains a relevant and valuable way for your company to advertise itself to the public. But the idea of unknowingly sending your print materials to random addresses might seem daunting. 

Thankfully, the United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a program that allows you to send your direct mail specifically to your company’s target demographic, making it even more effective! This feature is called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). Read on to learn more about this helpful option!

5 Things to Know About Every Door Direct Mail

1. Individual Address Are Not Required

One of the advantages of EDDM is that you don’t need to know the specific mailing addresses of your recipients.

Instead, EDDM uses zip codes or neighborhoods to send your print materials to every door within that area.

2. Pinpointing Your Target Demographic

EDDM uses official U.S. Census data, allowing you to identify factors such as age, income level, and other demographic statistics for your selected community. 

This feature simplifies targeting areas with the highest likelihood of a positive response from your company’s desired audience.

According to CompareCamp, 54% of consumers say they only want to receive direct mail from brands that interest them. EDDM can help ensure that the addresses your mail gets sent to are the customers most likely to be interested in your products or services. 

3. Limitations

Before deciding whether EDDM suits your company, it’s essential to consider its limitations.

The program only allows you to send mail to either a mix of residential and business addresses or a list of strictly residential addresses. In other words, if your company’s target demographic is solely businesses, EDDM might not be the most profitable option.

Additionally, remember that to use EDDM, your company must send a minimum of 200 pieces of mail and a maximum of 5,000 per day for each selected ZIP code. 

4. How to Start Using EDDM

To begin using EDDM for your direct mail, whether you represent a business or an individual, you’ll need to create a USPS account to start using EDDM for your direct mail.

Once you have an account, use the online tool to select the geographic areas where you’d like your mail sent. Take advantage of the demographic filters to refine your target audience!

5. Design and Send Your Direct Mail

When designing your direct mail pieces, ensure they follow the guidelines and requirements for EDDM.

These specifications can be found on the USPS website. Remember to make your mailpiece eye-catching and easy to read, with a clear call to action. Then drop off your mailpieces at a post office or ship them to one with the correct EDDM facing slip attached.

EDDM is a helpful way to increase the effectiveness of your company’s direct mail and eliminates the need to purchase or create a mailing list.

Consider using EDDM for your next batch of print materials and see how it can impact reaching your target audience! Contact us with questions about utilizing this tool with your next campaign. 

7 Top Tips to Create Customer Loyalty Through the Mailbox

You need to build loyalty and trust with your clients when bringing in business. This will keep them coming back. Doing so isn’t hard, especially when you use direct mail.

You need to build loyalty and trust with your clients when bringing in business. This will keep them coming back. Doing so isn’t hard, especially when you use direct mail.

When people get mail, they are more likely to find it a secure way to receive information. 54% of consumers worried less about direct mail privacy than digital communications privacy.

Employ the ideas below.

7 Top Tips to Create Customer Loyalty Through the Mailbox

1. Send Exclusive Offers

Make your offers attractive so that clients will want to open your mail.

Tease them with discounts and sales on the front of the envelope or postcard.

If you have a new product that they have been waiting for, this is the time to offer a good deal on it and announce it.

2. Personalize Communication

If you send a letter, a newsletter, or even a postcard, try using their name.

This will capture their attention and make them take notice. They will know that it’s not just junk mail.

3. Consistency Counts

Ensure all the pieces work together.

Use the same tone of voice and similar graphic design so that it causes them to remember you. Don’t make each piece wildly different.

4. Use High-Quality Paper

This sends the message that you care and that you are serious about what you offer.

It shows that you don’t skimp on quality, which will increase trust with your customers.

5. Include a Call to Action

Make sure there’s a call to action so customers know what to do next.

Ask them to call, visit your website, or subscribe to a newsletter. This builds loyalty because it causes them to stay in touch with you. It also makes them feel connected regularly.

6. Send a Thank You

Deliver a note to customers personally in a nice letter on quality paper.

Use their name, their buying history, and something personal if you can. This makes people genuinely feel appreciated. When you send things like this through the mail, it’s trusted more than an email.

7. Lead with Your Logo

Send items in the mail that have your logo on them, whether it’s a pen, stationary, or a magnet.

This works to build loyalty because it reminds them daily of your business, and it creates a feel-good situation. They know you appreciate them when you give them items.

No matter your business, there are ways to keep customers coming back. Building loyalty takes time, so the key is to be consistent and not give up. Keep the content coming.

In fact, it’s five times less expensive to keep existing customers than to attract new ones.

If you have a project that requires printing, please reach out. We are here to help!

What’s New: 8 Trends in Print Marketing to Inspire You This Year

Print marketing remains the most effective way to reach customers and build brand recognition.

Print marketing remains the most effective way to reach customers and build brand recognition.

In 2023, there have been several innovations in print marketing that can help you make the most of your message. 

Here are eight of the latest trends to inspire your next print campaign.

8 Trends in Print Marketing to Inspire You This Year

1. Variable Data Printing

Customized messages, images, and text can make print marketing more impactful.

Variable data printing makes it easy to use data to personalize messages, images, and designs to grab consumers’ attention and make your message memorable.

2. QR Codes

QR codes are gaining popularity in printed marketing materials, allowing customers to quickly scan them with their smartphones for easy access to websites, videos, or other materials.

3. Augmented Reality

Use the latest technology by integrating augmented reality into your print marketing campaigns.

This innovative tactic allows viewers to experience fully-immersive 3D images and videos through their cell phone cameras that can be triggered with a printed QR code, label, or logo on your piece.

4. In-Store Experiences

As online shopping grows, businesses seek to draw customers to their brick-and-mortar stores.

Printed materials placed in-store can create unique customer experiences, encouraging them to purchase.

5. Direct Mail

Reaching customers right where they live is still a powerful and effective form of marketing.

Direct mail can drive sales, interactions, or engagement with your brand. Keep the message simple and use compelling visuals to stand out among other mailers.

6. Business Cards

A business card is essential to networking and is still one of the best methods for making an excellent first impression.

Use creative designs and unique textures to differentiate yourself from the competition.

7. Brochures & Posters

Presenting products with detailed visuals through printed brochures or posters can be a great way to showcase your offerings.

Look for opportunities to use unique materials and textures to make an impression.

8. Custom Packaging

Custom packaging for shipments or promotional materials helps create an experience that customers will remember.

Brands can use unique boxes, bags, or wrap with logos or messaging to make a lasting impression.

What Can These 8 Print Marketing Trends Do for You?

By staying up-to-date with the latest trends in print marketing, you can ensure that your message reaches customers effectively and stands out from the competition.

Ready to put 2023’s print marketing trends to work for your business? Let us help! Contact us now to get started.

5 Statistics That Show Combining Direct Mail with Email Really Makes a Difference

The combination of direct mail and email can be a powerful marketing strategy.

The combination of direct mail and email can be a powerful marketing strategy.

Not only does it help you connect with more potential customers, but evidence suggests that combining the two forms of media can even increase response rates.

Here are five statistics that show just how effective this combination can be:

1. Direct mail is six times more likely to result in a purchase than email alone. (Source: U.S. Small Business Administration

2. Direct mail response rates are 10-30 times higher than sole digital marketing campaigns. (Source: Amsive)

3. Combining direct mail and email can increase response rates by as much as 50%. (Source: Epsilon)

4. 72% of potential customers enjoy interacting with brands via several mediums before purchasing. (Source: Lead Forensics

5. Marketing campaigns integrating direct mail and digital media hold 39% more of a customer’s time than digital campaigns alone. (Source: Canada Post)

What are the Advantages of Combining Direct Mail Initiatives with Email?

Utilizing both direct mail and email can help your business create a comprehensive marketing strategy to reach a wider audience and generate more leads.

Combining these two channels also allows cross-promotion, improving visibility on both platforms and raising brand awareness.

Here are some of the advantages of putting both direct mail and email to work for you:

Longer Shelf Life 

Direct mail boasts a longer shelf life than email, meaning it can be intercepted and influence potential customers even after receiving their email campaign.

More Memorable

Consumers are more likely to remember the messages they receive through direct mail, increasing their engagement with a brand.


Direct mail is considered more trustworthy than email or other digital forms of communication.

By utilizing both mediums, you build confidence in your target audience. 

Optimize Your Marketing Budget

Combining direct mail and email can help you reallocate resources and optimize your designated advertising funds, allowing you to make the most of a limited marketing budget.

What are the Most Effective Ways to Link Direct Mail Campaigns with Emails?

There are several ways to link your direct mail and email campaigns. Here are some of the most effective methods:

Personalized URLs

Use personalized URLs (PURLs) in your direct mail campaigns linked to targeted landing pages associated with an email campaign.

QR Codes

Include QR codes on physical mail pieces that link to online content or offers.

Special Offers

Offer discounts, coupons, or other incentives in direct mail campaigns that can be redeemed online.

Social Media

Incorporate social media links into physical mailings so recipients can easily connect with your brand on various platforms.


Include a call-to-action or other prompt in your direct mail campaigns encouraging recipients to visit an associated website or sign up for an email list.

Using these strategies, you can create powerful integrated marketing campaigns that maximize physical and digital media.

In doing so, you’ll be able to maximize your reach, increase response rates, and build stronger relationships with your customers.

With the right strategy, combining direct mail and email can be a powerful tool that produces tangible results.

By leveraging the strengths of both media types, you can create effective campaigns that reach more people and promote conversions.

Are you looking to drive your business growth? Integrated marketing campaigns can be powerful and practical tools. Reach out to our team to get started on yours!

Print Marketing Mastery: 6 Key Steps to Crafting a Winning Print Campaign

Your current and prospective customers want to hear from you in an engaging, thought-provoking, and welcoming way. Print marketing is the best and most effective way to do just that!

Your current and prospective customers want to hear from you in an engaging, thought-provoking, and welcoming way. Print marketing is the best and most effective way to do just that!

Done right, print marketing raises awareness of your brand, drives new leads to your business, promotes the sales of new and existing products, and reaches people offline at home.

In fact, 79% of consumers find reading physical mail more convenient than going online.

But where do you start? Let’s navigate the worthwhile road of print marketing together.

6 Key Steps to Crafting a Winning Print Campaign

1. Define Your Mission

Before thinking about fonts, images, and colors, set a clear goal or mission.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Do you have a new product ready to hit the streets? Are you trying to attract new customers, grow loyalty with your current customers, or increase your company’s awareness?

How you answer this question will set the tone for your print marketing campaign.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

One of the most common challenges you’ll likely run into is marketing your product or service to the appropriate audience.

Research and gather as much information about the demographic of your customer base. How old are they? Where do they live? Where do they work? What’s the average salary in the area?

Remember, you’re not trying to reach every audience; you are trying to reach the right audience. 

3. Focus on Trust

Prioritize transparency in your print marketing communications, and continually work to improve the trust that a customer can feel in the product or service you offer.

A survey of 1,000 consumers concluded that more than 80% consider trust a deciding factor in their buying decisions, but only 34% trust the brands they use

4. Clearly Communicate 

Always remember to include a few things in your design to get the purpose of the marketing piece across.

The headline should clearly state the topic of the copy, have a clear call to action, and tell your target audience what separates you from the competition.

5. Remain Flexible

Leave room for the unknown and be on the lookout for trends in your business or a shift in demographics.

Being able to pivot your print marketing effectively can allow you to be more efficient in your overall marketing efforts.

6. Embrace New Technologies

Print marketing will always be a vital element of any brand strategy and can be blended with other technologies.

Personalized print products are a surefire way to connect your brand with a customer, as they speak to the customer as an individual.

No matter how you plan your print marketing, by working with an experienced print partner like us, you can lean on the expertise of experienced professionals! Contact us today to get started.

4 Top Reasons to Use Direct Mail to Help Build Your Brand

It would be best to build brand awareness when you start a business or revamp its image. So what’s the best way to do this?

It would be best to build brand awareness when you start a business or revamp its image. So what’s the best way to do this?

Direct mail!

Not only is it what your customers want, but it’s also incredibly effective. Research shows that 73% of customers prefer direct mail over other marketing channels! And according to the Data & Marketing Association, in 2019, the average response rate for direct mail campaigns was 9%, and consumers engaged with 96% of direct mail.

So, why not take the plunge into direct mail?

4 Top Reasons to Use Direct Mail to Help Build Your Brand

Direct Mail is Terrifically Tangible

Unlike digital marketing and social media, direct mail requires you to touch it.

You may think digital is the way to go because people are always online. But the reality is that they are bombarded with online ads that they tend to ignore.

Direct mail, on the other hand, requires the viewer to pick it up and read it to take action, whether it’s throwing it away or hanging it on the fridge. 

Furthermore, this tangible experience is significant in trust-building. It acts as social proof of your brand authenticity, which is excellent for your awareness-building marketing efforts.

Displays Your Expertise

Delivering whitepapers, reports, guides, newsletters, etc., to customers, without a call to action can help you grow awareness and develop trust.

Sending this type of content to customers sets you up as the expert. They will create an image of your business that causes customers to turn to you when they need your expertise.

Shows Your Audience You Know Them

Direct mail can pinpoint the right people at the right time.

Brand awareness means you know your target audience and get suitable marketing materials in front of them at the right time.

Direct mail is perfect for this as you can mail it out at the right time and send it to a targeted audience.

Improves Recall and Builds Trust

A growing body of evidence suggests that consumers trust direct mail because of the unique way that paper-based advertising connects with the parts of the brain that control how we feel and remember things.

A 2015 study by Canada Post showed that direct mail marketing “requires 21% less cognitive effort to process and elicits a much higher brand recall” than digital media. This helps build trust and recall.

Direct mail also involves more emotional processing than other channels, which is essential for memory and brand associations. As a result, your customers will remember your efforts more when you send direct mail.

When you use direct mail, you boost your image and build brand awareness. And when it’s time to create something new, you know where to go. Contact us today!

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